* 利用券をお持ちでない三四会/紅梅会員の方、医学研究科/健康マネジメント研究科修了の方は
【本フォームでの取寄せ/予約 対象資料】
* 教職員(常勤・名誉教授)・大学院生による早稲田大学所蔵資料の取寄せはこちらをご覧ください。
- 一部の学内資料の取寄せ・予約
* 請求記号別貸出規則でリクエストフォームになっている資料
* KOSMOSにログイン後、黄色い「図書取寄せ/予約」ボタンが表示される資料はそちらから取寄せをしてください。(KOSMOSヘルプ:取寄せ/予約)
- 夏期スクーリング期間中の通信教育課程生:他キャンパス所蔵資料の取寄せ・予約
* 貸出図書郵送サービスの詳細は
三田 | 2月9日(日) - 2月24日(月) |
日吉 | 2月9日(日) - 2月20日(木) |
- 申込に際して
- リクエストフォームに入力したメールアドレスに「申込受付メール」や資料到着時の「到着連絡メール」をお送りします。
- メールが届かない場合は、アドレスの不備やプロバイダ側でのブロックなどの要因で不達となっている可能性があります。
- 連絡メールが文字化けしていた場合は、メーラーの「テキストエンコーディング」を「UTF-8」に変更して確認してください。変更後も文字化けが解消されない場合は、お問い合わせください。
- 取寄せ日数と料金
- 学外(早稲田大学以外)からの取寄せは、通常の図書で1,300円~1,500円程度が目安です。(一冊分の往復郵送料。大きい図書や重い図書の場合は更に費用がかかります)。
- 海外からの取寄せも、費用は相手館によって異なります。
- 取寄せ料金・日数の目安はこちらをご覧ください。
- 取寄せにかかる費用の一部をメディアセンターが補助します。
- 時間がかかる場合がありますので余裕をもってお申込みください。
- 資料のご利用
- 学外からの取寄せ資料は、原則館内利用のみです。館外への持出はできません。
※ 取寄せた資料の利用方法については、所蔵先の規則により異なります。
※ 資料の状態等により、複写できない場合もあります。
- 免責事項
- 取寄せた資料は、期限内に利用がない場合は返却します。再度の依頼はお断りさせていただく場合があります。
- 利用中に資料を汚損・破損した場合には、所蔵館の規定に従い、責任をとっていただく場合があります。
- 申込み後のキャンセルはできない場合があります。
This is an online form intended for requesting library items from outside Keio University, or specific items in our collections incapable of being processed using the REQUEST button.
[Who can use the online form] Current students/faculty/staff at Keio University who have borrowing privileges.
* If you are an alumnus of Keio University School of Medicine, or Faculty of Nursing & Medical Care, and have not applied for the library membership yet, please read
[What can be requeted using the form]
Library items from outside Keio
* Click
here for details on Waseda collection requesting service provided to the graduate students, full-time faculty members and professors emeriti.
Particular items in Keio University library collections
Check the
Table of Book Availability (*in Japanese only) to see if the item needs to be requested via the online form.
* If you are logged into KOSMOS and find
a yellow REQUEST button on the holdings screen, place a request using the button rather than the online form.
Library items held by other campus libraries: for the correspondence students attending the summer schooling program
* For details on the Book Mailing Service, please refer to
this web page.
<Notice of Loan Request for Spring Holidays>
For it takes longer than usual to get books from other library in spring holiday season, early request is suggested.
The libraries of some campuses are closed in the folllowing schedule.
Requests that are made during the closure will be processed as soon as the library resumes.
【Schedule of Closure】
Mita | Sunday, February 9, 2025 - Monday, February 24, 2025 |
Hiyoshi | Sunday, February 9, 2025 - Thursday, February 20, 2025 |
During the period, Kyoseikan also pauses the service although the library is open.
Please read the following thoroughly before getting started.
To go on, click "Accept & Proceed" at the bottom of the web page.
- Notice
If the desired item is a part of Keio University's collections, please search KOSMOS first to look up the status and the call number of the item.
Availability of the item in means of Inter-Campus Loan depends on the material type and the patron's status. Click here for details.
* Your request will be rejected if the item is "in place" at the pickup library. Please go to the shelf to fetch it by yourself.
- We send you a confirmation/notification email to the email address you have entered on the online form.
- If you do not get the email, it might be because that you have misspelled your email address, or the email has been marked as a spam or even blocked by the ISP.
- In order to solve garbled text in the email, change the text encoding to UTF-8. If still not solved, contact us at .
- Cost and Time Required
Borrowing a book from other library outside Keio University, except for Waseda University Library, usually costs approximately between 1,300 and 1,500 JPY. The price is actually a round-trip shipping fee. The larger and heavier the book, the more it will cost for shipping.
In case of borrowing from abroad, the cost depends on the lending library.
Click here for the approximate fees and time needed.
We provide a partial aid for the ILL service fee.
- We cover up to 3,000 JPY for a request.
- In case that the fee exceeds 3,000 JPY, the patron owes the excess fee.
- The rules above are also applied when you make payment by university expense.
* We do not control your request in purpose of cost minimization, or provide any discount to set the cost within the coverage limit.
* Place your request well in advance, for it may take some time.
* You will be notified on the website as the service changes.
- Reading and Photocopying
The item borrowed via ILL service is for in-library use only.
Photocopying could be restricted depending on the condition of the item.
- Disclaimers
- If the patron does not pick up the requested item within the designated period, the item will be returned to the lending library.
In some cases, reordering may be rejected.
- Damage to the item is subject to penalty according to the lending library's policy.
- Once your request is being processed, we do not accept any cancellation.
here for more details.