* 申込みできるのは、慶應義塾に在籍し、館外貸出が可能な方です。
* 利用券をお持ちでない三四会/紅梅会員の方、医学研究科/健康マネジメント研究科修了の方は
* 文献複写郵送サービスの詳細は
<停止日時> 2024年5月25日(土)23:00 ~ 5月26日(日)4:00 (予定)
- 申込みに際して
- 著作権法の範囲内で雑誌論文や図書のコピーの取寄せができます。
- お申込の前にKOSMOSで学内の所蔵を確認してください。
- 受け取りを希望する地区に所蔵がある場合は申込みできません。(信濃町は申込み可能)
- 申込フォームに入力したメールアドレスに「申込受付メール」や資料到着時の「到着連絡メール」をお送りします。
- メールが届かない場合は、アドレスの不備やプロバイダ側でのブロックなどの要因で不達となっている可能性があります。
- 連絡メールが文字化けしていた場合は、メーラーの「テキストエンコーディング」を「UTF-8」に変更して確認してください。変更後も文字化けが解消されない場合は、お問い合わせください。
- 大量のお申込みはお断りする場合があります
- 未受取文献複写がある場合は、新規のお申込みをお断りする場合があります。
- 取寄せ日数と料金
- 国内の資料の取寄せは相手館によって異なり、おおむね1枚30~50円、郵送料は200円前後で、別途手数料がかかる場合もあります。
- 海外からの資料の取寄せも、費用は相手館によって異なります。
- 取寄せにかかる費用の一部をメディアセンターが補助します。
※ 校費での支払いを希望される場合も同様です。
※ 時間がかかる場合がありますので余裕をもってお申込みください。
- 複写方法・範囲
- 用紙サイズの指定はできません。
- 著作権の範囲内の複写が可能です。
- 免責事項
- この申込みの著作権に関する一切の責任は、お申込みされた方が負うものとします。
- 申込み後のキャンセルはできない場合があります。
This online form is for requesting photocopies from other libraries.
* The Keio University members with valid library membership may use this online form.
* If you are an alumnus of Keio University School of Medicine, or Faculty of Nursing & Medical Care who has not applied for the library membership yet, please read
* For details on the Photocopy Mailing Service, please refer to
this web page.
<Temporary service suspension due to system maintenance>
The online form for Photocopy request will be unavailable on the following date and time due to system maintenance.
<Downtime> From Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 23:00 p.m. to Sunday, May 26 at 4:00 a.m. *undecided
Please read the following thoroughly before getting started.
To go on, click "Accept & Proceed" at the bottom of the web page.
- Requesting from Other Keio University Libraries
Photocopies of an article or a part of a book are provided in accordance with the copyright laws.
If the desired item is a part of Keio University's collections, please search KOSMOS first to locate it.
In case that the item to photocopy is held by the pickup library, your request will not be accepted. Please go to the shelf to fetch the item by yourself. However, this rule is not applied to Shinanomachi Media Center holdings. You are enabled to order photocopies of the collections and pick them up at Shinanomachi; you will not be asked to go to the stacks by yourself.
-We send you a confirmation/notification email to the email address you have entered on the online form.
-If you do not get the email, it might be because that you have misspelled your email address, or the email has been marked as a spam or even blocked by the ISP.
-In order to solve garbled text in the email, change the text encoding to UTF-8.
If still not solved, contact us at mc-keioill-group@keio.jp.
- A large amount of requests is subject to rejection or cancellation.
- You are not permitted to place another request until you receive all of your requests that are ready to be picked up.
- Cost and Time Required
The cost depends on the providing library. When requesting from the libraries in Japan, it would generally cost between 30 and 50 JPY per page. The shipping fee costs around 200 JPY. Some libraries may charge handling fees for the service additionally.
In case of requesting from abroad, the cost depends on the providing library.
We provide a partial aid for the ILL service fee.
-We cover up to 3,000 JPY for a request.
-In case that the fee exceeds 3,000 JPY, the patron owes the excess fee.
-The rules above are also applied when you make payment by university expense.
* Place your request well in advance, for it may take some time.
* You will be notified on the website as the service changes.
- Paper Size and Quantity of Photocopies
- You may not choose a paper size.
- The maximum permissible quantity of photocopies is set forth in the copyright laws.
- Notices
- The patron must bear full responsibility for conforming to the copyright laws which may be involved in photocopying.
- Once your request is being processed, we do not accept any cancellation.
here for more details.